Ok, so its been a while since this thing was updated, my bad. I have been super busy and as I mentioned in my previous post, injuries which I had held me back from training to my full potential. However, the injuries seem to be clearing up and I have been able to train a bit more without feeling overly susceptible to more injuries. I have not got too much news though. I have not been able to get out on rock on a rope or bouldering, so no news there. I guess its just a random post so anybody who does check this site knows I am still alive and well. I only have a few weeks left in my degree until the whole thing is done with and complete, so I cant wait until that happens as I have been pretty busy with that lately. I would like to think that towards the end of the year I will be able to get back to the Gramps to do some more bouldering and routes, though at this stage nothing is locked in. I have struggled lately to come up with projects I want to put some effort into, though I have herd from the local boys about some projects within the area which need to be sent. So I think its time I apply myself to the local area. If I am completely honest, I don't think I have given the climbing up here a chance to impress me even though I have been here nearly 4 years!!!!! I guess when you grow up visiting Nowra and the Mountains on a regular basis anything short of the quality doesn't overly enthuse me. Though the times I have seen local things I have been impressed. The climbing crew up here is growing very rapidly, this is thanks to Pulseclimbing. The atmosphere there during the week is good with well syked people trying problems and making their own up. For some visual stimulation, the pic is of a bit of a blow out I had on my last trip to Nowra. Hmmmmmmmm............ doesn't look good huh.
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